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Number Six - Music When You Write

Writer: jfclarkauthorjfclarkauthor

Do you listen to music when you write? Do you have Spotify, Apple Music, or another streaming service of your choice playing as you hammer out that next scene? Or should I kind of date myself and ask if you put a CD in? Oop!! Or maybe you're a record collector and spin vinyl for that perfect mood setter. I certainly respect that.

For me, Spotify is the best choice for mood music to set the stage for whichever thing I'm currently working on. Today, I created a playlist titled Friends are Hard to Come By for a specific project I'm tackling. It's essentially accoustic versions of songs I enjoy such as Wonderwall by Oasis— pretty much coffee house music: guitar and a singer/song writer.

I enjoy Spotify mostly because I can curate multiple playlists like the one I mentioned above for the different life situations I find myself in. I have playlists for Summer 2023, Camping, Sad Bops, Chill, Lyricist, Dave Matthews Band, Guilty Pleasures, River/kayaking, Evanescence, and an entire myriad of other mixes. One I go back to regularly is my Life is Strange mix, as it evokes the emotions I need to open my mind while I write.

In my mind, music is a must. I'm a huge DMB fan, unapologetically! I think the man's vocals are gorgeous, and the instrumental arrangements (or jams) are amazing. I know, I know. There's a stigma about Dave Matthews fans. They typically fall into one of 3 categories:

  1. Partiers - The frat boy persona that wants to get wasted and party.

  2. Lyric/mood lovers - The ones that listen intently to the messages within the arrangements themselves and enjoy the lyrics. This category also includes those that vibe with each specific song's mood.

  3. Jam Fans - The people that just want to have a good time by dancing and loving life (and maybe smoking a little weed). "Eat, drink, and be merry. For tomorrow we die!"

While I have certainly lingered within each category, I've sort of settled into the second one mainly. I genuinely think every song the band creates and every album they release has a beauty to it (Yes, even Stand Up and Come Tomorrow - the most gernerally hated albums by many fans.). I listen to and thrive within the lyrics. A nice melody is preferable as well, and the song's mood puts me in the appropriate headspace to be at my peak creatively.

30+ years into their careers, and the Dave Matthews Band still performs live with major summer tours year in and year out. They're amazing live!

Anyway, this blog post isn't necessarily about my favorite band, but more so about music in general. Are you like me and prefer music playing as you write, or do you need complete silence? Both are obviously valid. And if you prefer music, how do you curate what you listen to?

Have a nice week!

ATL Botanical Goddess


Aug 04, 2023

Maybe I need to get Spotify(?) And help with creating playlists. 😉

Aug 04, 2023
Replying to

Please do! 😂

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